This is me

This is me

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Faiyaz Hasan
The Black Stallion and the Red Mare

Running with your friends from people who are trying to capture you, your friend is at a disadvantage, and will surely be captured, yet have a choice: run and leave your friends behind so you can escape or help your friend and risk your freedom. It is human nature to help others but it is hard to look out for a companion and also yourself.
Donald was a huge fan of these majestic horses because they ran free and did what they wanted, and they were hated by the farmers. Ordered by his father Donald was sent to find and tell the town about the location of these horses, Donald found the horses but then was wondering if he should betray the horses or betrays his dads trust and lie to him. This part of the story reminds of an event that has happened to me. I was suppose to have an essay turned in for a class at school, and I had a choice either do the essay right and get it done now or fool around. I chose fooling around, my essay got a horrible score, now I have to work twice as hard just to make up for that one essay, so I know that even though it seems like the right choice is hard, it will pay off in the long run and will make your life much easier.
If you have someone who you know for a fact would never leave your side, even if it is easier for them to go alone, you should treat them the same way. Donald had chose his father and told the town where the horses were. Red with rage the town went after the horses, the whole group of horses followed the Black Stallion as they tried to escape, soon it was only the Black Stallion and the Red Mare, the black stallion could easily of ran a head and gotten away but as he looked back he saw the mare needing help. He had gone back for the mare and was caught by the people; though the Black Stallion knew this would happen he still tried to help the Mare. A book comes to mind when I read this, “Once Upon This Island” in this story a Indian has to travel thousands of miles to save one of her friend even though everybody in her village has given up hope.
He tried to save the mare and himself but it is difficult to save him self and his companion. He picked the hard decision and was captured, he failed; he was able to make the right decision. He did what he knew was right and tried to save his friend because it is human nature to care for others.

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