This is me

This is me

November portfolio


Does patriotism still matter it all depends on what your definition of patriotism is whether its honoring your country, going to war for your country, or even saying the “Pledge of Allegiance” every day. When I hear the word patriotism some quotes come to mind . “Principle is good to a certain point but principle does you no good when you lose”- Dick Chaney and “If you are ashamed to stand by the colors of your flag you had better find another flag”-Anonymous. Yes patriotism is always will matter but understanding that others have different takes on what patriotism the most important

Speak connection
By: Faiyaz Hasan
In most books people love to connect to the main character but in this book the main characters personality is one that I can’t relate to very much. Also there is a character that’s called Mr. Neck who has many character flaws like short temper and a one track mind that bring him down.

Melinda is an outcast, because she had called the cops at a party and people have gotten fired from their jobs and even arrested. Her friends have abandoned her and now she is almost no self confidence, this is something that I cannot relate to at all, I have never felt completely alone or had almost everyone I’ve known shun me I also am not the type of person to stay quiet or be shy.

Angry, stubborn, and a one track mind are all characteristics f Mr. Neck he is never wrong, and if you dare to stand up to him he will lose his temper as he has showed before. When Mr. Neck’s son did not get a job as a fire fighter Mr. Neck starts a debate in class about immigration. “America should have closed their borders in 1990” he wrote on the board, he is convinced that his son did not get the job due to some reverse discrimination. Soon after the debate started it started going in the opposite direction Mr. Neck wanted it to go so he stopped it. But then the kid that all teachers love and who never gets in trouble could not drop the subject, he could not let Mr. Neck stop a debate because it was going bad so the student went to the principal’s office just for sharing his view, and Mr. Neck didn’t even give it a second thought even though his facts and opinion were accurate and intelligent.
Speak is a book that I do not recommend as it is very difficult to relate to also the characters in the book are so ignorant they don’t look at things from other peoples point of view. Mr. Neck is ignorant and Melinda is not a very strong or outgoing person.