This is me

This is me

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ive lost, after all my hard work, all the rumors I had started, and all the smack talk I said to Squeaky. My parents are going to beat me. No one would ever expect me to have this kind of a life... and they cant know if any one found out about my real life it would be the end of me. So like the innocent little girl i am hold back my tears look at the girl whose life i would kill to have and smile. Making sure no one would ever realize that i the most perfect girl in the world am not so perfect after all.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The ground is glazed by my pure white. I grab in children for long periods of time and i chill them to the bone. I cover every inch of the floor every corner of it. and yet i always end up the same, forgotten. When the sun come out they don't want me any more so i just disappear in to the ground waiting for my turn at the top again.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The year was 2081, and the world was finally at peace. The wars had secede, the bombs were gone, and life had prospered. In the year 2032 there was a war that changed life for ever. Millions of bombs were being doped on very inch of the world and there was constant gun fire. The war ended when every nation fired its nuclear bombs on every other nation. After that it was as if everything was at peace and was contempt; that was the last war ever to be fought by humanity because no human was left alive after the war.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Faiyaz Hasan

Self Pride

What is it that makes us want to show others or even our selves that we are great? “To Build a Fire” by Jack London makes me think about how too much self confidence can be our downfall. When we have to much confidence we tend to ignore others advice, though it can be wise and useful.

His lack of imagination made it impossible for him to understand what kind of risk he was taking. The main character did not understand what -75 degrees meant. He only knew it would be cold, he couldn’t comprehend what could happen to him if he went. Feeling the bone chilling cold and the harsh winds did not make the man think doubt his actions. The wind only made him want to reach his destination more.

The Old-timer from Sulpher Creek told the main character he would not survive the trip. The main character now had to make the trip so that he could indulge his ego, by proving to the old timer and to nature that he knew best. His pride was his real death not the snow; his pride made him forget his common sense and to just keep going on.

His flaw was his pride. If only he had waited he could have survived the storm and he would have still been alive. To much pride can be dangerous; it can blind us from making the correct decisions.
Faiyaz Hasan
IPod Coolness Factor

Does hard work really pay off; do people appreciate the minor details? All it took was one iPod to make apple the masterful company it is today. Because of its sleek design and all the little things apple put into its IPods, Computers, and Phones it is the most known company in the world. Because the amount of effort and the insane quality of their products their customers trust the company and so they blindly buy and do what they are told by Apple. People think that the Ceo of Apple Steve Jobbs is only in it for the money but then consider this, in a year he is paid only one dollar (he writes of items as business expenses). The amount of detail and hard work is what made apple the company it is to day and the consumers know that and respect it, this one reason I think Apple will continue to grow and will prosper for years to come.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Faiyaz Hasan

Self Pride

What is it that makes us want to show others or even our selves that we are great? “To Build a Fire” By: Jack London makes me think about how too much self confidence can be our downfall. When we have to much confidence we tend to ignore others advice, though it can be wise and useful.

His lack of imagination made it impossible for him to understand what kind of risk he was taking. The main character did not understand what -75 degrees meant he only knew it would be cold, he couldn’t comprehend what could happen to him if he went. Feeling the bone chilling cold and the harsh winds, did not make the man think doubt his actions it only made him want to reach his destination more.

The Old-timer from Sulpher Creek told the main character he would not survive the trip. The main character now had to make the trip so that he could indulge his ego, by proving to the old timer and to nature that he knew best. His pride was his real death not the snow, his pride made him forget his common since and to just keep going on.

His flaw was his pride if only he had waited he could have survived the storm and he would have still been alive. To much pride can be dangerous, it can blind us from making the correct decisions.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Bone Chilling Cold

Faiyaz Hasan
The Bone Chilling Cold
Sign of Global Warming?

Global warming is affecting the world even if we don’t hear about it. Even
though it is called Global Warming it affects the world in extreme cold and extreme hot
weather. All schools in the Northeast have been canceled or postponed due to the
chilling weather. Even though it is normal to have cold weather the people living there
are convinced that something is going on.

Though it is called Global Warming it affects places with cold. It was reported
that the temperature was negative 50, while in N.J., America it was negative 4 degrees
scientist predict that it will only get worse because the Earth is slowly starting to
stop rotating, and that causes for longer winters, less sun, and more weather problems.

Parents are upset because of the amount of school time being wasted so parents
have started walking their kids to school themselves. There are many more recorded
incidents where the wind chill and the temperature have been in the extreme. When you
look at all the facts and all the changes in weather all over the world you can’t deny
that Global Warming is real and it’s affecting us now.

"Bitter cold closes schools in Northeast." 24 January 2011. 24 January 2011 .