This is me

This is me

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



Pain, anger, loss, evil, and even death are emotions that Kino, Coyotito, and Juan feel in the book ‘The Pearl’. This story is about how greed can destroy people, even innocent people who are just trying to survive in the cruel world.
The evil first started when a scorpion stung baby Coyotio, the child of Juana and Kino, but the worst part was the scorpion was poisonous. But it wasn’t the poison that was going to kill Coyotio. That was their main priority, to try and save the baby, but even though their goal started out good it was only leading down a road of sorrow. They started out trying to save the baby which was their first intention. Then the greed started.
When they first found the pearl Kino looked directly in to it and saw his son in school, a new rifle for him, and a better life for his family in it’s reflection. He also heard the tune of evil just barely on the rim of his ear, but he had too much hope to let it bother him at all. But was it greed in the form of hope? I think the song of evil he hears throughout the story was his god trying to warn him of the future that the path he was taking was going to lead him to. Kino was so blind by the thought of having money that he lost his common sense.
Kino and Juana were doing fine after finding The Pearl. When they went to sell it they thought they were being cheated. They decided to go to a town to try and sell the pearl for a better price but the night they were going to go they were attacked by a stranger. Kino killed him but then they had to leave the town because they knew people would now be after them. Greed is a disease in more ways than one, in this case it is contagious because the people around him are trying to kill him over the pearl.
The true point where the evil and greed did the worst damage is when while on the run to escape the people pursuing them ,Coyotio was killed. That was the wakeup call that Kino needed to see how much the pearl was hurting his family. At this point is when Kino threw the pearl in to the ocean. The greed destroyed his life and his family within.
“Greed destroys society”.

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